I shamefully have been neglecting my Monday Checklist. For those of you who do not know, my Monday Checklist is everything I need to clean on a Monday. I do a deep clean (most) Mondays. I have been busy, but that is not really an excuse. I do not know the last time I had done a full vacuum, or made sure everything was dusted in my home, that was until yesterday.
I woke up later than I was hoping. Around 9 (so late for me now a days) and immediately decided to not let that keep me down. I changed and immediately took Ronnie, our lovable dog, on a walk with a running lap around the track on our route. We both felt the immediate change. She was super happy and I had more energy. The day was going to be great. I ate some breakfast and knit until 11. Come on, yarn first right? Then I packed up my car and headed to goodwill. Three bags and a lamp later I was done. They were gone out of my life. It felt great, and I read a few chapters while waiting in the driving lane (we were all parked waiting patiently for our turn to donate things.)
I ran errands, buying lots of fruits and veggies to change our diet into a healthier version of itself right now. We eat 90% organic but we need more fruit and vegetables in our life and I was going to make that happen. Got back around 2 I think. Oh does the exact time matter? And I immediately started knitting again. Oh gosh. But by 4 I was hitting the town. I had finished the section I had been knitting and knew it was time to take action. Quickly I blew through my Monday Checklist. With less stuff I was able to whip through the list with ease. I had less things on surfaces that needed to be put away nor dusted. I was all finished by 5:45. Normally it took me a good four hours to get through it but with less items I didn't have to fight my way through it.
I slept so much better last night. Everything had its place and I didn't wake up wondering where to start to clean. I felt at ease. I know we all dislike it but I have learned that I dislike a dirty home far more than cleaning.
Until next time!
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